
Writers At Home 2

The 1900s study of the Oslo apartment where the legendary playwright Henrik Ibsen wrote his last two dramas, John Gabriel Borkman and When We Dead Awaken. Most of the paintings are by Norwegian artists he met in Rome and Munich. (April 1999)
The Nobel Prize-winning writer Rudyard Kipling’s study at Bateman’s, in England, where he moved in 1902. The surrounding Sussex countryside would become the backdrop for later works, including Puck of Pook’s Hill and Rewards and Fairies.
Isabel Allende, the Chilean author of the acclaimed novel House of The Spirits, lives in San Rafeal with her husband, William Gordon, and various relatives in a house overlooking San Francisco Bay. Above: The living room features Turkish and Mexican textiles, chairs from Afghanistan and a painting by Jose Venturelli. Inset: Allende stands before her studio in Sausalito. “It’s sort of a sanctuary where few people are admitted.” (April 1995)